I have a confession...
I love making digital anchor charts with google slides better than paper anchor charts in the classroom! The good old-fashioned paper charts are great, but the problem is that my classroom is super small, and so my posters need to be shrunk to fit my skinny cabinet doors.

Digital Anchor Charts In 1st Grade
OMGosh who am I kidding!
My poor beautiful anchor chart hung on the cabinet doors like a lonely piece of art in a closed museum. My kiddos never looked back at it, and probably couldn’t even tell me where it was. And guess who is at fault for that? Me! I was forgetting the most important thing about anchor charts…
Yes, you can make them beautiful and creative, but unless you remember to refer back to your anchor chart examples, they’re nothing but wallpaper.
The Need For Digital Anchor Charts

And now we’re well into the age of digital, virtual, or hybrid learning. What are anchor charts used for now? Now, we have more problems than how to hang anchor charts in the classroom.
So we get creative. We get dry erase boards and document cameras and try to figure out how to get all of our kiddos to watch while we present our anchor charts… Sound familiar?
We have different methods of how to make digital anchor charts in the classroom, but what if we made anchor chart examples on the Google Slides App and added them to the beginning of all of our Google activities?
That way, your students will see it every time they open your activity. Let’s say you’re beginning a unit on character traits. Using the Google Slides app to make your anchor charts for character traits means that not only can you share it with your students via Zoom or Google Meet, but you can also give your students that chance to revisit the skill when they open the activities you make.

How To Make Digital Anchor Charts On The Google Slides App
To help you out, here is a video showing you how to make digital anchor charts on the google slides app.
Now, all you have to do is add it to your Google Classroom. Need a google Classroom refresher? Click here.
Even though I want to learn how to do all of these things, I also know that I can’t do it all. If you out of time and just need the anchor charts finished for you, you can grab them here! The work is done for you. They come on Google Slides, just add your own activities after each anchor chart.
Here are some anchor charts examples that you can grab and add to your Google Slides activities.

Well, folks, I’d love to see your creations! Have fun making your anchor charts!