5 Winter Writing Prompts To Warm Up Your Classroom

winter writing ideas
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There’s nothing that gets your students more excited than the first snowfall outside your classroom window. One year, my kiddos rushed over so fast that I thought the room would tip over! Here are some winter writing prompts to add to your writing plans this month. Your kiddos are so excited, so let’s do some winter writing.

Winter Writing Prompts

You’ll have no shortage of motivation to write with these fun winter writing prompts. There are so many opportunities to write about snow.

Do a shape poem in the shape of a mitten.

Write about the first snowfall.

And there are tons of ways to use snowmen for your different writing genres. How to build a snowman, what does the snowman do when you’re at school, and why my snowman is the best are some great ideas.

Plus, giving your students these winter writing prompts is a great way to bust through their writer’s block. Here are 5 winter writing ideas that you can use right now:

Write About A Cozy Winter Night

Have your students describe their perfect cozy evening at home during winter. Include snacks, activities, and family time for those important writing details. 

Set up a class reward of pajama day for students to read their finished pieces!

winter writing ideas
winter writing ideas

Describe A Magic Winter Sled

Ask your students to imagine if they had a magic sled. Where would it take them? What adventures would they have? This winter writing prompt is perfect on a Friday afternoon right before dismissal!

Write About A Snowy Adventure

Speaking of adventures, encourage your students to write a narrative about a fun adventure they had or would like to have in the snow.

Are they hard-core, adventurous kiddos who want to win a gold-medal for snowboarding? Or would they instead make friends with the winter animals in the forest?

winter writing ideas
winter writing ideas

Draw And Describe A Winter Wonderland

Ask your students to draw their ideal winter scene. Then, they will write a few sentences describing it. Are they outside playing or looking out their window? Are there shiny ice crystals hanging from the tree? What about a frozen-over pond to go ice skating? 

Model ALL the winter wonderland imagery first; it really helps!

Write About Some Snowy Winter Science

Take a moment to read Snowflake Bentley and write a fact they learned about snowflakes. Snowflake Bentley is a great non-fiction book about a man who photographs and learns about snowflakes. Your students will love to see the first REAL photographs of a snowflake ever! Get your copy from Amazon here.

It’s an affiliate link, if you click it enough Bezos just might send us to space!

winter writing ideas

Free Winter Writing Paper - Just In Time!

A perfect companion to your winter writing prompts, this set of winter writing paper is free for you to download right now! This free resource includes:

  • 20 more winter writing prompts.
  • 36 different types of cute winter writing paper.
  • Regular and primary lined paper.
  • Room for a picture, or a full page of lines. 
  • List writing template: List all the fun winter things you like to do!
  • Winter writing craft: Write on the snowman’s belly, paste it to a piece of construction paper and add snowflake stickers for an easy winter writing craft.
  • Winter teacher notes: warm your student’s hearts when you leave them a note at their desk. Kids love these notes!

Get It Here

Grab your free writing paper today and get 20 more winter writing prompts! Your writing plans will be done for you this month, so you can focus on teaching, not planning.

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